Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Zero Visibility Vehicles (ZVV)

Ever been out driving and gotten stuck behind a big SUV?

And it blocked your view of anything happening in front of it in the lane?

So if there was a sudden slowdown of the line of cars in front of you in that lane, you wouldn't have any early warning?
If there was a sudden accident or collision, you also wouldn't have any visible early warning, because you couldn't see through or over the vehicle in front of you?

Yeah, it's horrible. And with the massive rise in SUV ownership in America, it now happens to me almost every day, whereas it didn't say 20 years ago.

I call that situation "ZVV" in my mind, which stands for Zero Visibility Vehicle.

It's annoying and dangerous. As a rule, I try to avoid and extricate myself from situations where I would be behind a ZVV.
I don't call it just SUV, because SUV's are one particular kind of vehicle that can cause the ZVV effect. Also trucks and vans, for example.

Though I'd love to drive around knowing I had the safety of armor-plating protecting me, like a tank, I would also feel bad about creating a ZVV situation for people behind me. Since my main ethical guideline in life is The Golden Rule ("Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.") it is this ZVV effect which is one of the reasons I haven't rushed to buy an SUV of my own even as the rest of society seemed to be doing so. The gas mileage was a bit of a lesser concern, though also important.


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