Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Call of Duty 4: Suggested Improvements

Here's a list of suggested improvements to the game Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, for the Sony PS3. It's a great game, one of the best FPS I've ever played, and it's finally knocked Counter-Strike off as my favorite FPS. And that says alot because CS, in various iterations has been my favorite for a long time. That said, despite how great the game is, it has some flaws. Nothing is too horrible, but most are annoying or are glaring opportunities to improve the user experience. Here they are:

1. fix team assignment balancing
Your algorithm currently will put 5 level 50+ players on one team, and put only 1 on the other. Are you on crack? This assignment almost always produces seriously unbalanced teams skills-wise, with a resulting lop-sided match results.

2. give players a way to turn off the hearing of other player's voice chatter
99% of it is the audio equivalent of garbage (teens saying "you suck!" or kids making funny sounds, dogs barking, lots of juvenile humor, etc.). In the case of total strangers playing together randomly on the internet.

3. honor a player's desire to leave a particular server/session
Currently when you quit a server/session, then try to join a new game that otherwise has the same traits (game mode/style), your system will often reassign you back to the same exact server/session you just left. This is annoying. In the case of an explicit quit action on the part of the user there is a *reason* why the user left: typically because the map sucked, the players sucked, or it was a lopsided steamroll fest, or there was possible cheating behavior going on. Either way, the user indicated he didn't want to play on it by leaving it.

4. improve/widen time span in which user can indicate he doesn't want to see his death replay
And/or give user a configurable option to specify whether he always wants to see it, or never. Currently there's a very quirky time window in which the system polls for a control action indicating the user doesn't want to see his death replay. Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Often when I'm in the heat of battle and I want to get back into battle quickly I do not want to watch the replay because I don't care that much about seeing where my killer was (perhaps I know or am confident of his location, or, I just don't care) and want to get back to playing immediately.